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Language Arts Ed - 450,Lesson Plans
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Reading the World

Critical Media Literacy
An Urban Middle School
"All the world’s a stage,” noted Shakespeare. But, the men and women are not merely players. They are the directors, designers and producers as well. In this two-week, techno-connected communication arts unit, seventh grade urban learners plug into core concepts of media literacy and expand their understanding of popular media texts. They consider their multiple roles in the media world as both consumers and producers. Learners link to a strategy for critically approaching any type of media text. Through a focus on reflection and reflective thinking, students also develop awareness of a dynamic that makes popular media seem to sometimes shape and influence our world, and sometimes simply “hold, as 'twere, the mirror up
to nature.”
In this unit, learners
Examine and explore
a five-component strategy for reading media texts;
Interpret their
thoughts about text in various forms of mass media;
Discuss and define critical
media literacy;
Create a personal web
splash page and descriptive blog essay;
Reflect on the
nature of reflection.
Reading the World constitutes a
discrete, two-week unit -- it is
conceived as the first part of a two-part series. This critical media literacy
learning unit is designed to build background and skills, and then launch
learners into a critical cultural literacy unit – a week-long writer’s workshop based on
the “Reading Without Words” lesson concept in Linda Christensen’s Teaching for Joy and Justice.
The central strategy of this learning plan uses information and ideas found
online at the Center for Media Literacy (CML).
The mix of mirror exercises are based on various Viola Spolin improvisation
Duration: ten, 50-minute
Learners: A group of 21
mixed ability students from widely diverse cultural backgrounds, mainly Hmong,
Black, White and Mexican American. (The group has theoretically had previous
instruction on webware and experience with the websites.)
Reading the World
Core Learning Strategy Map
Core Learning Strategy Map
Standard: 7. 9. 7. Critically analyze information found in
electronic, print, and mass media and use a variety of these sources.
Objective: I can evaluate media with regard
to bias, stereotype and message.
Learning Target: I can identify and
describe five core concepts of critical media literacy.
Assessment: media
literacy reviews, pair-share handout
Learning Target: I can identify
critical reflection and other types of reflective thinking.
Assessment: discussion,
Learning Target: I can reflect on
cultural stereotyping and social bias in the media.
Assessment: discussion, critical reading exercises, media analysis
Media Literacy Quiz - 50%;
Standard: 7. 9. 8. Communicate using traditional or digital
multimedia formats and digital writing and publishing for a specific purpose.
Objective: I can publish my work on the web and
share it with the world.
Learning Target: I can reflect my
ideas through web texts.
essay and splash page composition process
Published Bio Blog pages presentation
- 50%
Assessment Description: Learners will
construct a personal web page design and publish a biographical blog essay decoding
the design choices.
ISTE NETS (National
Educational Technology Standards) addressed:
Standard 1 - Students
demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative
products and processes using technology
Standard 5 - Students understand
human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology
Opportunity for Urban Learners – SOUL Focus:
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Production and Distribution of

Reading the World
Unit Learning Plan Overview
Unit Learning Plan Overview
Big Idea: Critical
Reflection (analyzing, reconsidering and questioning experiences within a broad
context of cultural issues)
- How does reading and literacy relate to the media?
- How is my culture and community reflected in the media?
- How does the media influence my reading of myself?'
- What are social benefits and drawbacks to pop media?
- What is meant by critical reading and critical literacy?
- How do I feel about mass media?
- What is reflective thinking?
- When and why do we reflect?
- How does the media influence our view of society?
- Does mass media make and manipulate our society – or simply mirror it?
Lesson Plan
Lesson 1 – Critical Readingo Intro to critical media literacy / paintings as textLesson 2 – Reflective Readingo Mirrors and the nature of reflection / vintage ads as textLesson 3 – Five Key Questionso reflect on personality traits / 5 Key Qs – magazines as textLesson 4 – Me, Myself and Mediao Branding and Identity / start Bio splash page / 5 Key QsLesson 5 – Same Show, Different Audienceo Silent Film game / 5 Key Qs review / finish splash pageLesson 6 – Reflective Writingo Mirror exercise and reflection review / start Bio Blog essayLesson 7 – Movie Previewso write Bio Blog intro / movies as textLesson 8 – Post-Game Sports Re-Cap Reporto write Bio Blog conclusion / quiz review / "Sports as text?"Lesson 9 – You're On!o Quiz (5 Key Qs – reflection types) / publish blog pagesLesson 10 – Reflecting the Worldo Social mirrors / “Is school a text?” / Cyber-Gallery Crawl
Differentiated Instruction: Learners will need adjustments in the blog essay. Online access outside of class can be arranged. The delight and obvious danger of this unit plan is its multi-focus and many different activities. Some flattening and simplifying of the schedule may be needed if organization becomes an issue. Culturally, it may be best to stay with the vintage commercials and movies for as long as possible. The distance, I’m thinking, will free up discussion about ethnicity, gender and culture.
Special Resource
hand mirrors, Glogster and Blogger accounts
Materials – Unit Plan
Forms: splash page, blog, Media Literacy Core Concepts chart, Five Key Questions, Expanded
Questions, Media Literacy Quiz, teacher’s choice of media samples – paintings,
vintage ads, magazine covers, CD covers, movie previews, TV commercials, sports
post-game segment – preselected samples available online through my blog at:
Resources/Websites: examples of print
and video advertisements
for Media Literacy
Spolin exercises
Teaching for Joy and
by Linda Christensen at Rethinking Schools [www.rethinkingschools.org]
sample Glogster Splash Page
sample Glogster Splash Page
Sports Postgame Show
sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
sample 1
sample 2
sample 3
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