4:23 PM -
Language Arts Ed - 450,Strategies
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10 Reading Strategies
Appetizer | |
Read the first few pages of an informational book aloud to learners | To interest learners further in the topic of the book and motivate them to read it on their own |
Have learners record what they know about a topic, what they want to know, and what they learned from reading a text | To have learners access their knowledge on a topic, think about what they would like to learn about it, and better understand and remember the information that interests them most |
Make an audio recording for learners to listen to as they follow along in the text | To make concepts in the text accessible learners who might have difficulty reading the text on their own |
Jigsaw | |
Learners from cooperative jigsaw groups and take a topic that emerged from their readings to make display posters | To reinforce the concepts that students learned in their reading and to provide the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a practical way |
Ask learners, “What are the top 10 things that (the hero does, discovers, etc.)?” Post responses, have learners prioritize items | To encourage learners to recall story details and to foster critical thinking |
Learners look for passages in the novel that reveal personal attributes of story characters and record both the attribute and the quote that shows this attribute in a DEJ | To focus learners’ attention on characters’ personal attributes by requiring them to identify both the attribute and how it is revealed |
Have learners identify the physical traits and personal attributes of story characters by finding examples of these in the text | To help learners gain an understanding of the difference between physical traits and personal attributes and to learn how authors develop characters by using both of these attributes |
Post any word, say, bittersweet. Give learners 10-15 minutes to write about an experience in their lives they would call bittersweet. Have learners share their stories in small groups. Have groups choose one story to act out and prepare a brief skit. Share skits. | To bring to consciousness through writing and discussion, ideas and issues that are relevant to appreciating and understanding the situation and motivations of the characters in a story |
Present a slide show depicting the historical period and setting of a text | To provide background knowledge with visuals that depict the relationship between the people in a text and their environment |
Learners write their personal responses to texts on a large sheet of butcher paper | To encourage learners to think about and respond to what they read and communicate those responses |
Graves, M. & Graves, B. (2003). Scaffolding reading experiences: designs for student success. Christopher-Gordon Publishers: Norwood, Mass.
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