The Process Genre Approach to Teaching Writing
The educational philosophy central to my work is a synthesis of the genre and process writing approaches – which Richard Badger and Goodith White (2000) have called, the Process Genre Approach. This strategy allows learners to study the relationship between purpose and form for a particular genre as they use the recursive processes of prewriting, drafting and revising. Using this approach develops learners’ awareness of various types of texts (essays, editorials, business letters, etc.), different compositional modes (description, narration, exposition, evaluation, argumentation), and of the composing process itself.
According to Badger and White, the teaching procedure for the process genre approach is divided into the following six steps: (1) preparation, (2) modeling, (3) planning, (4) joint constructing, (5) independent constructing, and (6) revising.
The various activities within the Process Genre Approach include the following: providing extended opportunities for writing; emphasizing writing for real audiences; encouraging cycles of planning, focusing on reviewing and sharing; encouraging student interaction; developing self-reflection and evaluation skills; and offering brief, pointed micro-lessons and individualized conferences to meet learners’ instructional needs. These interwoven activities ensure that grammatical and conventional items are taught in the context of a particular writing genre and purpose.
Badger, R., White, G. (2000). A Process Genre Approach to Teaching Writing. ELT Journal, 54/2: 153-160. Oxford University Press, Academic Division: Oxford.